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Our curriculum is On-demand. Your students login to our internet application portal and select the curriculum they wish to learn about. The school purchases re-usable hands-on project kits and manages the storage and check-out/in of the kits. You decide how many kits you need and how often to hold classes.


As an extra level, your school may choose to follow a robot curriculum, allowing the student to build a robot kit as they learn about the technology and components required to build a robot. We have two re-usable robot kit choices available, you select which kit and how many based upon students ages.


The following diagram shows the interaction between teaching assistant, STEAM Power for Kids' internet portal and the students.



To Register or Get More Info email at....

We are an IRS 501c(3) Charitable Corporation and a Registered Florida Non-Profit Organization


Steam Power For Kids

at Entech Innovative Engineering

280 Gus Hipp Blvd.

Rockledge , FL 32955

© 2015 by Steam Power For Kids

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